Shops + Roadmap

Happy new year! As we leave 2020 behind, I'm really looking forward to new features in this game.

I've had a few good playtests from some really nice folks who offered to play and write feedback. A lot of this update is informed by them, thank you!

This build introduces shops, as well as an inventory system. Your Operators will now need to purchase weapons, giving more purpose to the money you earn.

Here's the rundown of all the changes:

  • Shops and inventory, ability to buy weapons from shops around Maganda
  • Your merc company no longer start with all weapons
  • Operators start with rifle and you must purchase new weapons
  • Added a new AR, the Elmstalk which has better initial recoil and different burst mode
  • Weapons UI on strategic layer have more detailed information such as damage, firing modes, and abilities
  • Unit sprint animation that are out of your squad awareness will be skipped, saving time
  • Camera will now follow enemy movement, if they are within your vision
  • Build number now always visible at bottom left of the screen
  • Fixed a bug where enemies can sometimes appear invisible
  • New screen vignette and filter during enemy turn, and a more obvious enemy turn text
  • New UI for morale system, with tooltip showing you what it does

I've opened the Trello board to the public so you can follow the development if you wish.

It's organized into modules which are chunks of features grouped with a theme. I'm currently working on the larger game loop so there's more to do on the strategic layer. After this, I'll add more tactical options, such as armor, grenades, as well as medical systems such as bleed-out and recovery.

Always interested in hearing your feedback. If you've played this game at all, please leave a comment!

Files 2 GB
Version 4 Jan 01, 2021

Get Operators

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